Sunday, January 9, 2011


Upon hearing about an opportunity to hear a presentation at the Hindu Temple Society of Augusta, I was eager to learn about a culture to which I have had limited experience. When I arrived at the temple, I had to remove my shoes before entering the main room because it is required in Hindu temples. In their culture, they believe that the feet are impure and because the feet and shoes come in contact with dirt, they are unclean. Shoes are the lowest part of the body and the dirt that collects on them symbolizes spiritual negativity. It is simply respectful to remove shoes to avoid bringing in impurities. Continuing on with that aspect, while seated in the temple, we had to sit cross-legged because pointing the feet towards the altar is considered disrespectful. While waiting for the presentation to begin, I made some observations of my surroundings such as the statues of the gods on the altar. I noticed that they utilized vibrant colors, shiny gold and silver, jewels, weapons, and a wide variety of facial expressions. While some of the figures had serene facial expressions, Ganesh’s face expressed anger, which is meant to ward off bad spirits.

I noticed myriad commonalities between Hinduism and Buddhism. For example, in both religions, there is a belief in reincarnation, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. There is an emphasis on the concepts of dharma and karma as well. Dharma is one’s duty and righteous path in life, which is essential in reaching moksha in Hinduism and nirvana in Buddhism. I hold a strong belief in karma and personally believe that all actions bear consequences. The outcomes reflect our past actions and decisions, which can also go on to affect our future reincarnated lives. Both Hinduism and Buddhism focus on one’s well-being, connection of the mind and spirit, and the path to moksha, enlightenment, or nirvana.

Overall, I am very grateful to have had a chance to learn more about Hinduism because I have always found different cultures to be very fascinating. All cultures have different beliefs, rituals, ways of life, and values. Although there are many differences between religions, there are often many similarities as well. It goes to show that the world is very diverse, yet there are common values that unite each of the cultures.

Word Count: 387

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